I'm a Web Developer and Molecular Biologist with skills in problem-solving, experimental design, cross-functional collaboration, mentoring, and leadership. I'm also a wildflower nerd, and love to take pictures of spring blooms.
A progressive web app to notify users via SMS and/or email of wildfires within the specified radius of the input location.
SASS | JavaScript | React.js | Node.js | Express | Postgres | Firebase | Mapbox | Twilio | Supertest/jest | Cypress
Contributions: Frontend functionality and styling, Firebase authorization, Cypress testing, backend RESTful API.
A web application that displays choropleth maps of land area covered by forest in 212 countries in each year between 1990 and 2016.
Javascript | React.js | Context API | Node.js | Express
Contributions: Authorized route with React router and JWT, and state management with Context API and hooks.